
Whether you are looking to play an instrument in a band, join the theatre, sing or take in a show, you've come to the right place.

....explore and discover!

Heart of Hawick

Formerly a disused spinning mill featuring a 14-foot high Victorian waterwheel, Heart of Hawick has been completely transformed into Hawick’s premier entertainment venue.

An 108 seat auditorium screens quality crowd-pleasers and family films, foreign language and arthouse showings as well as broadcasts of the latest productions from the National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company and Royal Opera House.


Centre Stage Community Theatre

Centre Stage Theatre is a community theatre group that promotes and supports dramatic and musical theatre based in Langholm, Dumfries & Galloway. Each year they perform a Pantomime. They also carry out workshops for it's members.


Langholm Town Band

Langholm Town Band has been a continuous servant of the local area for over 200 years. The band celebrated its bicentenary in 2015.
Over the years the band has played a significant part in local events and continues to support the annual Common Riding, held on the last Friday in July every year, leading the `Cornet and his followers through the streets on the big day.

Langholm Sings Community Choir

We are a group of people from Langholm and the surrounding area who come together once a week to enjoy music and singing. It's a great way to pass the dark winter nights with like-minded people. We are a friendly bunch with maybe one or 2 eccentrics among us but most of all we have fun for a couple of hours and the benefits singing brings to our wellbeing are very positive.

Langholm Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society

Entertaining audiences for close to 100 years with Musical Theatre and Plays, LAODS has a strong reputaion in Langholm and further afield attracting over 50 on-stage and off-stage members. New members will be made most welcome.


Langholm Pipe Band

The Langholm Pipe Band first played on New Years Day in 1900. For 120 years they have played at various local events and have been a regular at the Braemar Highland Gathering in front of The Queen and Royal Family members. They practice every Sunday evening 7-9pm in the Telford Room of Langholm Town Hall.

The Buccleuch Centre
Buccleuch Square, Langholm

The Buccleuch Centre is a modern, fully accessible entertainment venue with automatic doors, no steps and wide open spaces for easy access.  The Centre is fully licenced with a well stocked bar serving a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. There are several spaces available for hire, see our venue hire page on the website for details.