......for your first taste of Scotland
......for your first taste of Scotland
......for your first taste of Scotland
.....for your first taste of Scotland
Langholm has some of the most scenic walks around the town and surrounding countryside. Catering for all abilities, you can enjoy family walks taking in lovely views of the Eskdale Valley and for the more adventurous, challenge yourself with our five peaks; Castle Hill, Meikleholm, Timpen, Warbla and Whita.
Langholm is also featured in walkhighlands web site. Click the link: http://www.walkhighlands.co.uk/galloway/moffat
Walkers are Welcome
All year round walking
A wonderful network of fourteen waymarked walks in the Langholm area provides ,excellent routes for all year round walking. Fourteen walks all waymarked and described in Langholm and Eskdale Walks brochure available from The Kiost, Kilngreen, Langholm.
Each walk is colour-coded: Easy - Strenuous and unfolds into Ordnance Survey with the walk marked.
The Muckle Toon Geocache Cluster
Take part in the real-world global treasure hunt.
Using GPS, you will be searching the hills and valleys of the beautiful Muckle Toon,
logging your finds and drinking in the views.
Tarras Valley 12 Peaks Challenge
Tarras Valley 12 Peaks Challenge
On 20th August 2023 a Langholm team of men and dogs staged the second walk around 27 miles and 12 hill-tops encircling the periphery of Tarras Valley Nature Reserve – in celebration of the successful community buy-out the previous year.
See Walk Highlands Trip Report, also featuring images, mapping and links to a 17 minute movie, enabling you to join the team for this memorable day… click HERE